Recently, I had an agreement with a local welding shop for my aluminum fuel tanks. Welding aluminum requires AC TIG welding, a process that is both difficult to do well, and hard to find professionals willing to do it. My local shop looked over my blueprints back in August 2015. We discussed the liability issues and FAA regulations. They agreed to weld my tanks up once I had them fabricated. Fast-forward to January 2016...I had the tanks fabricated and ready for welding! I took the tanks in for the job, and they promptly turned me away. The owner of the shop either forgot he had spoken to me back in August (not likely), or he decided the job wasn't worth the effort or liability.
Disheartened, I looked for alternatives. I decided to purchase welding equipment, spend the next 6 months learning to weld while working on my plane, and then weld the required structures myself. After a lot of research, I decided that the 2016 AHP AlphaTIG 200X AC/DC Inverter hobby welder would suit my needs. It arrived yesterday! Check out my video below as I detail the equipment required to weld my airplane, along with my rationale for learning to weld and doing it myself: