Hey Gang,
After 14 years of use and abuse, my little 8-gallon Harbor Freight air compressor gave up the ghost. They don't offer the same model anymore (mine was a 3.0 HP model), but this one is similar. It's been a great little machine. I paid less than $100 for it 14 years ago! However, building an all-metal airplane requires a lot more air than my old one could muster. About an hour and a half into match-drilling the horizontal stabilizer skin to the skeleton, I noticed a burning smell. Thinking I was simply approaching the thermal overload limit, which trips an internal breaker on the compressor, I kept going. I'd done this a few times before, so I wasn't concerned. However, this time around, it tripped the GFI circuit in the garage instead. After that, any attempt to turn on the compressor just trips the GFI. No activity from the compressor at all! I think I blew the start capacitor, but we'll see.
Anyway, since I need a compressor for other things (like winterizing my travel trailer and my sprinkler system within the next week or so), I couldn't really wait and try to fix the little one. Besides, it's too small for the plane project anyway. So, I ended up selecting a new Husky C302H 30-gallon portable compressor from Home Depot.
Check out my video on how and why I selected this particular model:
I did the 20-minute break-in on the new compressor and changed the oil to a synthetic blend. The factory oil was really dirty after the break-in, so an oil change was necessary. I also re-plumbed the condensate drain because the original one is all but inaccessible without tipping the compressor. It should give many years of service now, and last well beyond the length of the project. I hope so, since I plan to scratch-build a Zenith CH 640 someday!
As for the little compressor, I will try to fix it if the repair can be done inexpensively. I may try to sell it after that, give it away or keep it as a spare. No idea at this point...for now, it's just going to sit in a corner. Stay tuned for more progress! I have upcoming updates on the horizontal stabilizer, the elevator and the flaperons. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to start the wings this winter!