Friends, it's been a long time since my last update. I've put some work into the elevator assembly, but I had a lot of time away from the project over the summer. Life gets in the way of building sometimes! Now that we're heading into cold weather here in Michigan, I'll be spending a lot more time in the shop. I also decided to step up my game in video quality and production efficiency. I purchased new camera and microphone equipment to help speed up the filming process and allow me to get the kinds of video shots I really want. I also learned a new video editing software suite and re-formatted how I edit and publish videos. Hopefully, this investment in equipment and knowledge will translate to better quality videos for you, as well as making them much easier and less time consuming for me to produce. The first video I've produced in the new format is about bending brake choices and options for the Zenith STOL CH750 builder. Check it out below:
Now, with the new video equipment and my summer project out of the way, it's time to get cracking on the plane itself!